Known Issues in v0.3 - [alpha360 erp WINDEV]

1. Problems with some fields not showing correctly in screen analysis BELOW 1024 * 800.
This affects ONLY the FLAT UI and is fixed in the next version [v0.4]

2. You cannot add currencies in v0.3 - they will be added with Accounting [v0.4]

3. Special Currency formating for INDIA 99,99,99,999.99 will be available in the next version [v0.4]
Note the mix of 2 and 3 digits in the above formating.

4. Selecting a record in a treeview does not always fire up an event.
A workaround will be available in v0.4

There is also a post in our blog about HOW to do editing in SIMPLE BROWSES (usually dimensions)



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