v0.95 of the alpha360 ERPs are ready for download - COMMERCIAL versions

WX alpha360 erp [commercial] - v0.95

A single WX project (v21) that includes Windows and WEB configurations.

Download Instructions: go to www.alpha360.biz, click on COMMUNITY, LOGIN to your account and select WINDEV PRO or WEBDEV PRO from the side menu.

What's new:
1. Completed the implementation of the ideas behind the UI for the WEBDEV app/configuration.

These "ideas" can be seen in the following Pages/Procedures:
a. Page_Main -> Home page of the application - uses iFrames.
b. PageB_SalesOrders, PageB_SalesShipments, PageB_Sales, PageB_Parties, PageB_Customers, PageB_Accounts, PageB_Products etc. -> Page Browses
c. PageF_Party, PageF_Product, PageF_Sales etc. -> Page Forms
d. PageB_BusinessUnits -> a combined Browse and Form Page for simple dimension tables.

2. Changed the zTranslate table. The windows version automatically modifies previous HFSQL Classic data for this version - otherwise just delete these tables (zTranslate.*) so you can use your previous 0.9 data

Goals for this version:
We have tried to make the "experience" for both users and developers the same as possible across the 2 applications/configurations

User Experience
Although the desktop and the web are really different kind of platforms, a user can easily switch between the 2 apps with no special training.

Developer Experience
As you already know, the Analysis and the Business Processes are the same for both apps/configurations. With this version the "structure" of Pages and Windows (including the flow and the UI processes) are also identical. This makes it easy for a developer to understand and add new features easily to both apps/configurations.

Important note:
Use chrome  - it is reliable and FAST with the alpha360 WEBDEV implementation.
Firefox or our firefox configuration is SLOW - especially in complicated Pages.

Next major update - v1.0:
This version will include the final WINDEV and WEBDEV commercial implementations and is scheduled for an end of July release.

Next update for the OpenSource version - v1.0:
The OpenSource version (v1.0) will be available after we post v1.0 of the commercial versions.

Special offer ends 31.7.2017:
If you are a professional WX developer don't miss the special introductory offer.

It is only 299 euros and it includes both WINDEV and WEBDEV versions, free lifetime support and ALL upcoming versions (v2, v3 etc.) for free.

After 31.7.2017 the price will be 899 euros for WINDEV and WEBDEV v1 _and_ newer versions (v2, v3 ..) will be offered at 299 euros each.

Of course all current licensees have been upgraded to the free lifetime license.

the alpha360.biz


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