What is alpha360 ERP?

alpha360 ERP is a business-management software that helps a business run its everyday activities.
The main characteristics of the software are:
  • A common database that supports all its modules - we will use here the term data model
  • Real time Operation
  • Consistent Look and Feel across modules
This type of software is often called an ERP system.
Although most businesses have a set of activities (or needs) that are specific to their industry, there are some "activities" that are common across every business.
Accounting, Sales and Purchasing are among these basic modules of an ERP and for these modules we use the term "core ERP".

When somebody designs this type of software, the main "doubt" they have is if their "data model" is correct.
It happens (or has happened) to all of us at some point in our life ...
There is no such thing as the "right data model". There are data models that are wrong or inadequate to support certain activities, but there is not a single correct data model.
So don't be afraid to change (or add things), even in the middle of an applications life cycle. It is really a very common practice in the ERP industry to change even the "core ERP" data model, so it can support new industries, new legislation or different types of cultures.

Who are the audience?
alpha360 ERP is not an application that an end user can install and run on his computer.
It is intended for use by developers and companies, who want to build their own ERP - using alpha360 ERP as a starting point.
To fully use the course, you will need:
  • a license for PCSoft's WINDEV21
  • a beginner's knowledge of WINDEV21
  • a relative comfort with the basics of the relational model

Is it really free?
The "core ERP", including the data models, the business processes and the posted applications can be read, downloaded and used freely by everybody, with no restrictions at all.
Non core modules, like the Windows POS, Dashboards, Dynamic Menus, Translation tools etc and the WEB implementation will be available only to those who order the commercial editions.

There are currently 3 different editions
  • Open Source - this is FREE
  • Standard 2017 - commercial licence
  • Business 2017 - commercial licence
Before signing (and paying) for any edition, first take a good look at the project and the community. It may not be for you and we don't want anybody grumbling ...
Besides, the purpose of the commercial licenses, is to enable us to pay for the Cloud Services (Microsoft Azure) we use, and keep out of the forum people who are not really interested in the project.
You can find more information and the differences between these licences at our main web site : www.alpha360.biz

Simple and Clear
The Italian Mathematician Gian-Carlo Rota, in his classic book "Indiscrete Thoughts", quoted Stanislaw Ulem as saying: "Whatever is worth saying can be stated in fifty words or less".
This is one of the course's main goals - to pick out the important ideas and write about them in a simple and brief way.
And although a modern ERP is really a complicated piece of software, its building blocks adhere quite nicely to the above goal.
Before starting the course, you must understand that although the actual implementation of the ERP is done in WINDEV 21, the Data Models and the Process Models are actually quite general and they can be implemented with other software technologies too. Other than time, nothing can stop you from implementing the ERP in .NET, JAVA or CLARION.
The only really important technology that you cannot avoid using is the Relational Model. From the beginning to the end of the course, everything is based on the Relational Model.
And when we refer to the Relational Model, we don't mean a special RDBMs like HFSQL or SQL Server. We mean the general ideas of the Relational Model as they were developed by Edgard Codd in the sixties and seventies. There is no reason why you can't use a C-ISAM type API, instead of a full blown RDBMs, as long as you follow the Relational Model.

Consulting Services
Our intention is not to offer implementation and consulting services directly to companies (or end users) outside Greece.
We would prefer to work directly with programmers, so they can offer the ERP to their customers.
In any case, do not hesitate to contact us at : alpha360@computerplus.gr


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