
Showing posts from October, 2016

v.041 of the alpha360 erp is ready for download

WINDEV Project alpha360erp DEMO exe *** WEB IMPLEMENTATION *** We have sent download links to all the WEB subcsribers. If you haven't received the links, send us an email and we will resent it. This version has fixes for all the reported bugs _and_ we have also added ALL the CRM entities in the analysis. Full CODE functionality for the CRM module will be posted, after we complete the Inventory, Purchases, Expenses and and Sales modules. **** Delete your previous Data **** Don't forget to delete your previous data and uninstall the previous DEMO exe. **** New Documentation **** We where going to introduce a NEW website for the alpha360 erp documentation this week. Because of the earthquakes in our area, it will have to wait ... We will do an announcement as soon as we are ready. **** Next Version **** The next versio...

Small FIX for the WEBDEV implementation of alpha360erp [v0.4]

Open the WEBDEV alpha360 Project and select Project Code Search for alpha360.inii and change it to alpha360.ini Note the double ii in .inii This is the .ini file that controls the actual database connection for the WEBDEV implementation. If you are NOT using the .ini file, the app defaults to a CLASSIC HFSQL database in the data folder c:\a360_DATA\v04 and you will never see the problem. If you don't wan't to bother with the .ini file you can change the default data folder in the code.  Sorry for any trouble we may have caused ...    the alpha360 team     

v 0.4 of the alpha360 erp is ready for download

Please read the instructions, before installing v0.4 You need to be very careful, if you want to install the WEBDEV DEMO on your developers machine. *** Download Links *** WINDEV PROJECT WINDEV DEMO EXE WEBDEV PROJECT and WEBDEV DEMO EXE The download links have been emailed to the commercial subscribers *** Installing the WINDEV and WEBDEV alpha360erp Projects *** 1. DELETE your previous alpha360erp WINDEV v0.3 Project 2. Uninstall v0.3 of the EXE from your computer [if you have installed it] 3. Delete your previous v0.3 LOCAL Data [probably in c:\a360_DATA\v03] 4. Delete your previous v0.3 HFSQL Database [probably alpha360erp]  and then 5. Download and Restore the v0.4 WINDEV Project - use a unique directory 6. Download and Restore the v0.4 WEBDEV Project - use a unique directory The first time you open the WEBDEV Project, you will be asked for the analysis Just point to and select the analysis of the WINDEV v0.4 project *** Running the WINDEV and WEBDEV alpha360erp DEMO appl...

Known Issues in v0.3 - [alpha360 erp WINDEV]

1. Problems with some fields not showing correctly in screen analysis BELOW 1024 * 800. This affects ONLY the FLAT UI and is fixed in the next version [v0.4] 2. You cannot add currencies in v0.3 - they will be added with Accounting [v0.4] 3. Special Currency formating for INDIA 99,99,99,999.99 will be available in the next version [v0.4] Note the mix of 2 and 3 digits in the above formating. 4. Selecting a record in a treeview does not always fire up an event. A workaround will be available in v0.4 There is also a post in our blog about HOW to do editing in SIMPLE BROWSES (usually dimensions) the team

Compiled v0.3 DEMO installation available

Since many developers do not have v21 of WINDEV, we have created a setup for a DEMO v0.3 installation . Anybody can now t est the application . If you don't have a v21 HFSQL C/S installed on your machine or your internal network, select the Classic HFSQL [Demo] company _and_ if you are going to test the document area, create a c:\temp directory on your PC. We didn't want to automatically create any director ies for this DEMO, for obvious security reasons ... Select the A dminist rator area from the left menu and add your basic dimension records. Since these are Simple Browses and do NOT have independent forms to add data, they work directly from the tables. To Add a record Click [+], to Edit a record Click [the pencil] so the tables will allow editing etc. After that you can go on and Add/Edit/Delete Products and Parties ... Don ' t forget to change the UI for the application and see how things work . Click the [ User picture] in the Bottom Left area of...

The User Interface Elements

The alpha360 erp User Interface is based on the Browse/Form paradigm. Browses Every Business Object[BO] is presented in a Browse Window - this window is always an internal window, has one or more tables and starts with IWB. Example : IWB_Parties is the Browse Window for the BO <Party>. Every Browse Window "belongs" to one of the menu entries and is handled automatically by Dynamic Tab Controls.  You just need to do a simple call : 360_DynamicInterface(e_DynamicWindow), where e_DynamicWindow is the ONLY structure we use to pass variables to windows [see below]. Forms For each Browse there are 2 Form Windows , used for the actual data entry, IWF_* and WIF_* windows. IWF_* are internal windows and WIF_* are simple windows.   Example : IWF_Party and WIF_Party are used for the BO <Party>. IWF_* is an internal window and WIF_* is a simple window. They share the same fields and 99% of the code and it depends on the user’s choice of the UI, which one is actuall...

Controlling user access in alpha360 erp

Controlling user access in alpha360 erp User access in alpha360 erp is implemented with the BO <UserRole> - all users belong to a user Role. For every functional area [CRM, Accounting, Sales etc] in the erp, a user Role can have one of the following access rights: None [cannot access the functional area] Simple User [has access to the functional area] Full User [has access to the functional area _and_ has access to the Dimensions supporting the functional area] Head of ... [FULL ACCESS + all permissions needed from users are directed to these users] The above access is “verified” through System Processes, tied to the MENU system. But this is not the end of the Story …. For every user Role, you can DENY ACCESS to various actions on BO or TABLES. This is done through the entries in the table uRole_Deny [available in commercial editions only]. And if you are CRAZY about security – and using HFSQL C/S - you can implement, on ...

What is a Business object[BO] in alpha360 erp?

What is a Business object[BO] in alpha360 erp? In its simplest form, it just “represents” a record in a table. Example: The Business Object <Country> represents a record from the gCountry table. In its complex form, it can represent MANY related records from many different tables. Example: The Business Object <Party> represents related records from the gParty, sCustomer, pSupplier and hEmployee tables.  Another complex example is the <Invoice> Business Object, which will be introduced in later versions. In alpha360erp, all access to Business Objects, is done through Business Processes[BP]. So for say the complex BO <Party> there are the following self-explanatory BPs: BP_Party_Add BP_Party_Edit BP_Party_Delete BP_Party_get And for simple BOs like say the <Industry> BO there are simpler BPs: BP_Industry_quickadd BP_Industry_quickdelete All the _quick BPs use WINDE...